Terms and Conditions

Please visit Terms and Conditions Page for a list of terms and conditions for Contractors and Suppliers

Corruption Prevention Advisory Service (CPAS) Web Portal

Independent Commission Against Corruption - Corruption Prevention Advisory Service

A good governance system is vital for the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST)’s counterparts to help sustain public confidence in HKUST’s services.  We therefore would like to introduce to you the service of the Corruption Prevention Advisory Service (CPAS)CPAS is a specialised unit in the Corruption Prevention Department of ICAC dedicated to providing tailor-made, free and confidential advice on system control in common business areas such as procurement and staff administration.  You could check out its user-friendly web portal ( for details of the services and to get timely and useful resources on corruption prevention such as staff code of conduct, corruption prevention guides and tools, case studies, quick tips and red flags.  You can also receive regular updates on corruption prevention by subscribing to CPAS e-news at


廉政公署 - 防貪諮詢服務

香港科技大學同業需有一套良好的管治制度,以助維持公眾對香港科技大學服務的信心。我們為此推介防貪諮詢服務。此為廉政公署防止貪污處轄下的特設小組,專門就一般業務範疇(例如採購和人事管理),免費提供適切和保密的建議。你可瀏覽該小組簡便易用的入門網站 (,查閱其服務詳情,以及獲取合時實用的防貪資源,例如員工行為守則、防貪指南及工具、個案分析、防貪貼士和防貪警示。你亦可經連結訂閱防貪諮詢服務的電子通訊,定期收取最新的防貪資訊。


Corruption Prevention Checklist on Recruitment of Construction Workers

There are inherent risks of corruption and other malpractices in the recruitment of workers by contractors and subcontractors (employers) through their employees (“middlemen”), such as middlemen accepting “referral fee” from workers in return for the latter’s recruitment in construction projects or inflating the qualifications of workers to deceive wage payments from the employers.  The employers could suffer financial loss due to the “referral fee” / wage difference pocketed by “middlemen”, as well as recruit unqualified/incompetent workers.  To prevent corruption and other malpractices, we would like to recommend you ICAC’s “Corruption Prevention Checklist on Recruitment of Construction Workers” which contains useful corruption prevention safeguards in the recruitment of workers for your adoption or adaption where appropriate.

承建商和分判商(僱主)透過其僱員(「中間人」)招聘工人內在存有貪污或其他不當行為的風險,例如 「中間人」向工人收取「介紹費」作為有關工人在建築項目中被聘用的報酬或誇大工人的資歷以騙取僱主較高的工資。僱主不僅因為落入「中間人」手中的「介紹費」/工資差額而蒙受經濟損失,而且還會聘用不合資歷/不稱職的工人。為防止貪污或其他不當行為,我們向您推薦廉政公署的《招聘建築工人防貪錦囊》,當中就招聘工人提出實用的防貪措施,以供承建商/分判商按需要採用或改動。



Integrity and Corruption Prevention Guide on Managing Relationship with Public Servants

Suppliers shall note that employees of the University are designated "public servant" under the provision of the Prevention of Bribery Ordinance (Cap. 201 of the Law of Hong Kong). The policy of the University requires all its employees to avoid any conflict between their personal interest and the University's interest in dealing with suppliers and all other organizations or individuals doing or seeking to do business with the University.

Invoicing Requirement

Order number must be clearly shown on invoice sending to the University. The invoice should be billed according to the order but not consolidating multiple orders into one invoice. All invoices should be sent to our Finance Office as shown below. For vendors who have participated the Invoice Intelligent Capture System should send invoices to the designated email instead.


Finance Office
The Hong Kong University of Science & Technology
Clear Water Bay
Kowloon, Hong Kong

Electronic Payment Transfer

To speed up payment to suppliers, payment from the University will be settled electronically via bank or telegraphic transfer to the bank account setup in our system.  Please note that cheque payment will be phased out with a transition period of 3 months from November 2019.  

For existing suppliers who do not have bank account nor Primary Registered Email setup in our system, please provide the bank details and Primary Registered Email via the system by referring to the Quick Guide.  New suppliers are required to provide bank account details when formally registered at HKUST supplier list. 

Registered suppliers can login to our system to review company information and bank account details here.

Quick Guide:

Caution on Phishing E-Mails and Websites

Emails sending from the Purchasing Office of HKUST are always with the prefix “pu” and domain “” (eg, Please verify sender’s email and do not open or reply any suspicious emails.

The HKUST e-Tendering System has no connection with any phishing emails and website. Please be reminded to take extra cautions and not to open any suspicious web links, emails or attachments. If you have already opened accidentally or input your email credentials, please reset your email password immediately.

If you have any query of emails from the Purchasing Office, or on the authenticity of the email invitation for HKUST e-Tendering System registration, please call Purchasing Office at +852 2358 6406 within 09:00-17:30 (GMT+8) for verification and assistance

Documents Transmission

Email and fax are the official documents transmission methods from 1 August 2017 onwards. Vendors are recommended to provide an email address for receiving tender/quotation invitation and purchase order from the Purchasing Office. Fax transmission is less preferred. Please click the link below for details.


HKUST Affiliates and Subsidiaries (香港科技大學聯屬機構及子公司)
  • HKUST (Guangzhou)  (香港科技大學 (廣州))
  • Hong Kong University of Science and Technology R and D Corporation Limited (香港科大研究開發有限公司)
  • HKUST R and D Corporation (Guangzhou) Ltd.  (廣州香港科大研究開發有限公司)
  • HKUST R and D Corporation (Shenzhen) Ltd.   (港科大研究開發(深圳)有限公司)
  • Guangzhou HKUST Fok Ying Tung Research Institute  (廣州市香港科大霍英東研究院)
  • The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Shenzhen Research Institute (香港科技大學深圳研究院)
  • HKUST Shenzhen – Hong Kong Collaborative Innovation Research Institute (香港科技大學深港協同創新研究院(深圳福田))
  • PKU-HKUST Shenzhen-Hong Kong Institution (深港產學研基地)
  • HKUST College of Lifelong Learning Limited (香港科技大學持續進修學院有限公司)
  • HKUST Properties Limited (香港科大地產有限公司)
  • Nano and Advanced Materials Institute Limited (納米及先進材料研發院有限公司)
  • Hong Kong R&D Centre for Logistics and Supply Chain Management Enabling Technologies Limited (物流及供應鏈多元技術研發中心有限公司)
  • HKUST LED-FPD Technology R&D Center at Foshan  (佛山市香港科技大學LED-FPD工程技術研究開發中心)
  • Nansha IT Park Foundation Limited (南沙資訊科技園區基金有限公司)
  • Nansha Technology Investments Limited (南沙科技投資有限公司)
  • Nansha IT Park Ltd (GZ) (廣州南沙資訊科技園有限公司)
  • Hong Kong Centre for Neurodegenerative Diseases Limited  (香港神經退行性疾病中心有限公司)
  • Hong Kong Center for Consturction Robotics Limited  (香港智能建造研發中心有限公司)
  • AI Chip Center for Emerging Smart Systems Limited  (智能晶片與系統研發中心有限公司)
  • Hong Kong Generative AI Research and Development Center Limited  (香港生成式人工智能研發中心有限公司)
  • Redbird Innovation Fund Limited (RIF-HC) (紅鳥創新基金)
  • Hong Kong Space Robotics and Energy Centre Limited (HKSRE) (香港太空機械人與能源中心有限公司)
  • HKUST Industry and Education Development Corporation Limited (IEDCHK) (香港科技大學產教融合發展有限公司)
  • HKUST Industry and Education Development Corporation (Shanghai) Limited (IEDCSH) (港科大(上海)產教融合科技發展有限公司)
Removal of Suppliers due to Inactivity

A vendor is regarded as "Inactive" and will be removed from the List of University's Supplier if the vendor, over a period of three years:

(a)   had not received any payment from HKUST;
(b)   had not been awarded/issued with any contracts or purchase orders (incl. DPOs);
(c)   had made no response to invitation to tender/quotation;
(d)   had not been invited to submit tender/quotation;
(e)   had not updated his company profile on e-Tendering System or through other means; and
(f)    had not logged in the e-Tendering System.

List of Suppliers of HKUST and Promotion Criteria on “Approved” Supplier
User Guide on eQuotation System (for bidders)